The College recommends each chapter have a primary chapter advisor and a faculty/staff advisor to aid in the chapter's growth and development.

We have found the most successful chapter advisor/chapter relationships to be those in which the advisor is present monthly for chapter and executive board meetings.
Read the latest issue of the AISB newletter
The Role of the Chapter Advisor
- An advisor adds to the continuity of your organization by making sure that successive officers of the organization understand the responsibility they share in this office, as well as explaining to the officers the policies established for student organizations.
- Advisors aid in the area of program content and purpose by helping student officers use their best judgment in selecting programs.
- Advisors serve as liaisons between the chapter and the organization’s inter/national headquarters.
The Role of the Faculty Advisor
- Providing an outlet for students to talk about classes, their role in the fraternity, and everyday issues that students face.
- Assist chapter scholarship chairs in developing programs that will enhance the co-curricular education of chapter members.
- Assist the chapter scholarship chair in developing comprehensive scholarship plans to aid individual members in their academic success.
Duties of an Advisor
- To be aware of and have an understanding of those policies and procedures governing living groups and students.
- To be aware of liability issues (i.e. hazing, alcohol, etc.) and to advise the organization to make reasonable and prudent decisions regarding these issues in planning activities.
- To attend meetings of the organization whenever possible.
- To be available to the officers of the organization on a regular basis for advice and consultation.
Advisor Resources
Additional resources are available for sale through the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors.
The Alumni Interfraternity & Sorority Board is a Lafayette resource for advisors. This group meets periodically throughout the semester to share information, support the community, and aid in supporting our undergraduate community.