Lafayette College in conjunction with each Nationally affiliated organization wants you to have as much information as possible before making this lifetime commitment to the organization that best reflects your values. Here are some requirements you should be aware of.
Phi Kappa Psi – Class of 2022
As stated in the Student Handbook: A student may not rush, pledge, join, recruit for, participate in, perpetuate, contribute funds to, or otherwise engage in activities as an actual or prospective member of a Greek organization until the beginning of his or her sophomore year.
The minimum cumulative GPA required to affiliate with a fraternity is 2.5
The minimum cumulative GPA required to affiliate with a sorority is a 2.6
Though the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils maintain these minimum standards, each chapter may set more stringent academic requirements for membership based on inter/national policies and the needs of the organization.
Academic Performance information is published each semester for fraternal organizations.
Financial Requirements—Each chapter is self-supported through dues paid by all members. Dues are used to sponsor social events, membership recruitment, educational programs, and philanthropic projects.
Fraternal Chapter Housing Requirements and Fees— Please review Residence Life guidelines regarding:
Judicial Requirements—A student who wishes to go through the recruitment process for either a fraternity or sorority must not be on Disciplinary Probation Level I or higher. Any student who is extended a bid to join an organization will be in violation of the Lafayette College Student Handbook’s Code of Conduct and may be charged with a violation.